Be a Business Bee!

Head Start in Business is excited to add a newly developed program to its lineup of workshops. The “Be a Business Bee” program allows Kindergarten to grade 2 students the opportunity to engage in a learning experience like no other. Children are encouraged to make real life connections while having thoughtful conversations about what it means to be an entrepreneur! This exciting program is offered in Sault Ste. Marie through YouLaunch, the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre’s youth entrepreneur program.
Students participate in exciting and age-appropriate activities that will allow them to examine the world around them, while stimulating their curiosity and imagination. Students explore the things that they love to do and discuss their many talents. They then connect what they love to do with future career opportunities.
All activities are directly connected to curriculum outcomes and provide students with guided, intentional and purposeful classroom interaction, while working with one of Head Start in Business’s trained Coordinators from their very own community! “I highly recommend the Be a Business Bee series of workshops to complement all elementary community and career studies”, says Edith Presseau from A. B. Ellis Public School in Espanola, Ontario.
Head Start in Business brings together 24 Community Futures Development Corporations across Northern Ontario and has been a driving force in entrepreneurship awareness and initiation for the past 15 years. Over 16,000 youth have participated in the innovative and experiential programs, making entrepreneurship more accessible and realistic as a viable career option.
Head Start in Business, along with the Community Futures Development Corporations of Northern Ontario, would like to thank all of our partners who have made “Be a Business Bee” possible: FedNor, Industry Canada, The Ontario Trillium Foundation, and the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund.
Ashlee Gerard will be delivering the “Be a Business Bee” program throughout the months of May and June. Book your class soon by contacting her directly at (705) 942 7927 ext 3174 or by email at
For a full list of programs delivered by Head Start in Business or to book a workshop in your classroom visit their website at
Follow them on Facebook at Head Start in Business and Twitter @YouthBizStart or contact Ashlee for more information!